Bell 206L-1 LongRanger with Rolls-Royce 250-C28B Engine

38 Years of Series III 250-C28 Engines

PHOENIX, Ariz., (April 28, 2014) - Thirty eight years ago this month Allison (now Rolls-Royce) received certification for the 500 shaft horsepower 250-C28 engine.

The C28 engine soon developed with two additional versions. In 1978 the C28B was certified for the Bell 206L-1 LongRanger and the C28C for the MBB (now Airbus Helicopters) Bo 105L. The C28C is identical to the C28B, except without a particle separator.

According to Rolls-Royce marketing 936 C28 series engines were produced. While not the most successful series of M250 engines, about 350 remain in active service today. The engine fleet had accumulated 6,775,600 of flight hours by 2005.

While many M250 shops no longer support this engine series, however ASI is able to help. ASI currently has a tested and ready to go C28 engine in serviceable condition.

For a listing of available M250 engines and modules, visit the ASI Rental Engines Available page (click here) or contact ASI (click here for contact info).

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Established in 1948, Air Services Int’l., LLC (ASI) brings a 65 plus year history of aviation tradition. Over its tenure in industry, ASI has been involved in a wide range of aircraft operations, MRO, and other aviation related activities. ASI has been a trendsetter, being one of the earlier pioneers for the commercial helicopter industry.

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